George Rekers and the abuse of gay children
People continue to dig into the past of Dr George Rekers. While we are inclined to laugh at him now, it's important to remember that he is a brutal hypocrite who has actually caused great harm. As...
View ArticleMarriage equality opponents: follow the money
It has been speculated that the Right doesn't really want to ban abortion; it's far more effective as a political and fundraising boogeyman if Roe v. Wade stays essentially intact. I am starting to...
View ArticleMarriage Equality Opponents, Brian Brown, and secrecy
The misnamed National Organization for Marriage (NOM) is having a summer bus tour to promote their anti-equality sentiments. So far the counter-protestors supporting marriage equality have mostly...
View ArticleOf mosques and history: fear and loathing in America
The US is not at her best right now. In the ascendant is an old fashioned nativist party, not unlike the aptly named "Know-nothings" of a previous age . We’re seeing this play out in the conflict over...
View ArticleSuicide on the train: tales from the rails
Someonedied early this morning on the rail line near Anaheim CA. He stepped into a crossing in front of a Metrolink commuter train around 6am, stretched out his arms and waited for the train to hit...
View ArticleThe unpaving of a superpower
Once upon a time, there was a country that set itself high ideals about liberty and equality. With unbounded enthusiasm and can-do spirit, it defended the rights of minorities to participate fully in...
View ArticleUncivil Discourse: From DC to HOA
We're having one of those contentious home owners' association elections in our neighborhood. Unfortunately it has exposed a rift in the community. Partly generational, the younger people would like to...
View ArticleActivist judges, the will of the people, and marriage equality
"Activist judges do not have the right to redefine marriage if the majority of voters disagree." That's what the marriage equality opponents tell us all the time, to justify the "right of the people"...
View ArticleSelective science: conservative attacks on LGBT people
One of the features of the conservative movement is a suspicion of the educated. As David Frum recently pointed out, it's an odd characteristic of American populist movements that it's the educated...
View ArticleNY Marriage Equality: a tale of two bishops
Do you remember the prompts from school writing assignments, asking you to "compare and contrast"? Here's one for you. As a vote for marriage equality comes up in the New York State House, the Roman...
View ArticleMarriage equality questions, in the wake of NY
In the wake of New York's landmark decision, and based on conversations around the blogs and with family and friends, it's obvious that a lot of people don't follow the equality issue that closely and...
View ArticleAre we repeating history?
Wall Street is doing great. Corporate profits are up. Executive pay is up (and you know how much money THEY make already). General Electric pays no corporate taxes. I pay more in taxes than...
View ArticleGeorge Rekers and the abuse of gay children
People continue to dig into the past of Dr George Rekers. While we are inclined to laugh at him now, it's important to remember that he is a brutal hypocrite who has actually caused great harm. As...
View ArticleMarriage equality opponents: follow the money
It has been speculated that the Right doesn't really want to ban abortion; it's far more effective as a political and fundraising boogeyman if Roe v. Wade stays essentially intact. I am starting to...
View ArticleMarriage Equality Opponents, Brian Brown, and secrecy
The misnamed National Organization for Marriage (NOM) is having a summer bus tour to promote their anti-equality sentiments. So far the counter-protestors supporting marriage equality have mostly...
View ArticleOf mosques and history: fear and loathing in America
The US is not at her best right now. In the ascendant is an old fashioned nativist party, not unlike the aptly named "Know-nothings" of a previous age . We’re seeing this play out in the conflict over...
View ArticleSuicide on the train: tales from the rails
Someonedied early this morning on the rail line near Anaheim CA. He stepped into a crossing in front of a Metrolink commuter train around 6am, stretched out his arms and waited for the train to hit...
View ArticleThe unpaving of a superpower
Once upon a time, there was a country that set itself high ideals about liberty and equality. With unbounded enthusiasm and can-do spirit, it defended the rights of minorities to participate fully in...
View ArticleUncivil Discourse: From DC to HOA
We're having one of those contentious home owners' association elections in our neighborhood. Unfortunately it has exposed a rift in the community. Partly generational, the younger people would like to...
View ArticleActivist judges, the will of the people, and marriage equality
"Activist judges do not have the right to redefine marriage if the majority of voters disagree." That's what the marriage equality opponents tell us all the time, to justify the "right of the people"...
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